Ancient Egyptian 'Triple Ankh' Yoga
Abbey Wood & Belvedere
One and a half hours mixed Yoga Asana for beginner or advanced incorporating Ashtanga, Bikram, Hatha, Kundalini, Kemetic Yoga, Meditation and Music.
Wednesday 1930 - 2100
(Belvedere Sports Club & Bar)
A unique selection of Yoga sequences on weekly rotation
encouraging respiration, energy and vitality.
(At Tasawwuf)
(Ancient Egyptian)
Ancient Egyptian Yoga Yogini Yogin
Eighty One Mixes
Yoga is the exercise of free will to direct the energies of the mind into desirable channels.
"Om Eim Sarasvatyei Svaha"

Supersonic Ancient Egyptian Yoga - Balanced In Sushumna
(November 2022)The Guruda Bija Is Pronounced Kshang.
Practice without attachment to results.

Ancient Egyptian Yoga Class Schedule - Abbey Wood & Belvedere
(Flyer August 2021)Yoga is the foundation for both Siddhi and Liberation.

Ancient Egyptian Yoga - Mazzaroth Meditation
The inhalation should end when you reach Ajna Kshetram at the eyebrow centre.
Though it doesnt have to.
Inspirational Advanced Yoga Poses and Free Yoga PDF Resources.
Australasian Yoga Sports Federation - Asana Posture Guidelines
Vikasa Yoga - Asana
Nataraja Yoga - 108 Postures
The Complete Book Of Vinyasa Yoga
Advanced Hatha Yoga Classic Methods Of Physical Education And Concentration
Yoga Makaranda Or Yoga Saram
Now is a good time for Yoga.

All Ancient Egyptian 'Triple Ankh' Yoga Classes are sequenced to carefully selected music as a way to help with
attention and meditation because rhythmic, harmonic and/or uplifting music is a useful medium to help tune in to all the various energy centers within and without the physical body.
Ancient Egyptian Yoga offers private outdoor classes nearby at various locations in and around Abbey Wood, Belvedere and Bexley. - E-mail for more details.
With Love and Best Wishes, Namastae
The science of Hatha Yoga is the ladder up which those climb who
wish to reach the higher regions of The Royal Path.
"Om Devi Siddhidatryai Namah"

The taking of breath is a holy, divine function and those who aspire to Divinity must master the Kriyas and Prakriyas of Pranayama, the Yoga of Controlled Breathing.

Ancient Egyptian Yoga - 84 Yoga Asanas
Bishnu GhoshThe practices of Yoga are designed to deal with our bodies on more than just a physical level.
You have a Polestar inside You!
The Maha Kundalini playlist (Kundalini Class).
This class is for all abilities and focuses mainly on back bends and pranayama.
Yoga is the art of bringing conciousness into motion.
The Fuzzz playlist (Fuzzz Class).
This class is for all abilities and includes a wide range of postures.
To the question whether man can here and now attain the supreme state of Bliss, the answer in Yoga is "Yes".
The Ha Sa playlist (Inversion Class).
This class is for all abilities and works towards inverted postures.
The IDA (Candra nadi) and PINGALA (Surya nadi) exist only up to the
tip of the nose.
The SUSUMNA (Agni nadi) goes up to the top of the skull (Brahamarantram).
The Pulsing Polarities playlist (At Tasawwuf Class).
This class is for all abilities focusing on aligning the Chakras, strengthening Heart Center and activating Soma.
The purpose of yoga is to balance the functioning of the chakras and at the same time to awaken the associated energies.
The Prithivi Vardhak Mudra playlist (Bikram Class).
This class is for all abilities using the 26 Bikram Yoga postures.
The whole science Yoga has this one end in view. To enable man to cross the ocean of samsara to increase power to develop knowledge and to attain immortality and eternal bliss.
The Ancient Egyptian Yoga With Dhyan Singh Fohat playlist (Ancient Egyptian Class).
This class is for all abilities and contains advanced poses for those wishing to try.
The path of LOVE is the path of the Masters.
Praana Pratishtha
A simple playlist for meditation/dancing purposes.
playlists available here: YoginiYogin (MixCloud)
Om Ah Hung Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hung.
The Heart Must Be Broken Open
A simple playlist for meditation/dancing purposes.
playlists available here: YoginiYogin (MixCloud)
While Hatha Yoga requires a strong and flexible body, Raja Yoga requires a disciplined and concentrated mind and Jnana Yoga requires a keen intellect. The only requirement for Bhakti Yoga is an open loving heart.
Chitta Vritti Nirodha
A simple playlist for meditation/dancing purposes.
playlists available here: YoginiYogin (MixCloud)
A systematic pristine practice of Yoga is a perfect tool for understanding ones true nature.
I Will Make You Something Beautiful
A simple playlist for meditation/dancing purposes.
playlists available here: YoginiYogin (MixCloud)
One thing you must understand in Yoga, the teacher doesnt give you anything.
Parsva Halasana
A simple playlist for meditation/dancing purposes.
playlists available here: YoginiYogin (MixCloud)
What does one gain as a result of practising Yoga?

Ancient Egyptian Yoga - Eighty Four Asanas
The Ankh African Origin Of Electromagnetism by Nur Ankh Amen
The Path Of The Masters - The Science Of Surat Shabd Yoga
The Discourses Of Param Purush Puran Dhani
Mysticism The Spiritual Path
The Ascension Of The Soul - Sant Mat
Yoga The Method Of Reintegration
Laya Yoga The Definitive Guide To The Chakras And Kundalini
Yoga The Secrets Of Matter And The Universe
First Steps To Higher Yoga
Eighty Four Aasanas In Yoga
Raja Yoga
Chakras Energy Centers Of Transformation
Inner Tantric Yoga
How To Sound Bija Mantras
Peru Incidents Of Travel And Exploration In The Land Of The Incas
Every Yoga Asana is a new location waiting to be explored!

Mantras should not be said in a low bass voice but a little higher than the usual tone of the normal speaking voice as this helps clear the left side.
"Do not just sing the mantra consciously, chant the words in such a way that your cranium resonates as if you are striking a gong!"

Sahaja Yoga Mantras - Vishwa Nirmala Dharma
Nirmala Vidya - Sahaja Yoga Mantra Book
Most beginners will discover stiffness in their bodies from muscular tension, tightness in the tendons and toxic deposits in the joints. Stiffness, lack of coordination and the tendency to strain can all be overcome through practising very slowly, with an emphasis on awareness and relaxation in each posture. What little physical effort is applied then appears effortless. Regular practice of Surya Namaskara is one of the most rapid methods of obtaining a supple body.

A couple of variations detailing the Surya Namaskara sequence.
Surya Namaskara A Technique Of Solar Vitalization (.pdf)
Kriya Yoga literally this means work, working towards Yoga.

Ancient Egyptian Yoga - Thirteen Surya Mantras
Connecting...There are no miracles in nature, only LOVE.
An example of Surya Namaskara.
That which unites is called Yoga.

Ancient Egyptian Yoga - Mudra
Mudras Yoga In Your Hands
The Power Bank Of The Human Body Yoga
Mudras (.pdf)
Asana Pranayama Mudra
Bandha (.pdf)
Palmistry PDFs
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Facial Diagnosis Of Cell Salt
Deficiencies (.pdf)
Cell Salt Essentials Chart (.pdf)
The 12 Tissue Salts or Cell Salt
Remedies (.pdf)
The Biochemic System Of
Medicine (.pdf)
Salt PDFs
By the practice of Yoga the Yogi masters the tattvic changes of his body.
The awakening of Prana Shakti becomes a bridge to cross over from the gross to subtle experience of Yoga.

Ancient Egyptian Yoga T-Shirt Designs
Yoga is the most beautiful tool to become aligned with your truest innate pure essence. It helps you to tune into your body to become aware of your thoughts to come closer to your truth and to get connected with your intuition to grow spiritually.

The whole human body is in fact a mantra.

To the Yogi the whole universe is the body.
"Ong Ha Ksa Ma La Va Ra Yam Svaha"

Yoga helps bring the body breath mind wisdom and spirit bliss into harmony.

Yoga is the science of human culture in the highest sense of the
Its purpose is the purification and strengthening of the mind.
By its exercise the mind
is filled with high aspirations and acquires divine powers while the unhappy tendencies die out.

Hemisphaerii Dhyana Mudra Meditation.
Tri Thalamic Audio Sequence For Relaxing, Balancing And Tuning InDuration 01:20:00.