Ancient Egyptian 'Triple Ankh' Yoga

Abbey Wood & Belvedere

One and a half hours mixed Yoga Asana for beginner or advanced incorporating Ashtanga, Bikram, Hatha, Kundalini, Kemetic Yoga, Meditation and Music.

Wednesday 1930 - 2100
(Belvedere Sports Club & Bar)

A unique selection of Yoga sequences on weekly rotation
encouraging respiration, energy and vitality.

(Kundalini) (Fuzzz) (Inversion) (At Tasawwuf) (Bikram) (Ancient Egyptian)
Email Playlists Location Hemisphaerii
Ancient Egyptian Yoga Yogini Yogin
Eighty One Mixes

Supersonic Ancient Egyptian Yoga (Abbey Wood & Belvedere) Balanced In Sushumna November 2022

Supersonic Ancient Egyptian Yoga - Balanced In Sushumna

(November 2022)

Ancient Egyptian Yoga (Abbey Wood & Belvedere) Flyer August 2021

Ancient Egyptian Yoga Class Schedule - Abbey Wood & Belvedere

(Flyer August 2021)

Ancient Egyptian Yoga (Abbey Wood & Belvedere) Mazzaroth Meditation

Ancient Egyptian Yoga - Mazzaroth Meditation

Ancient Egyptian Yoga (Abbey Wood & Belvedere) Flyer February 2022

All Ancient Egyptian 'Triple Ankh' Yoga Classes are sequenced to carefully selected music as a way to help with attention and meditation because rhythmic, harmonic and/or uplifting music is a useful medium to help tune in to all the various energy centers within and without the physical body.

Ancient Egyptian Yoga offers private outdoor classes nearby at various locations in and around Abbey Wood, Belvedere and Bexley. - E-mail for more details.

With Love and Best Wishes, Namastae

Ancient Egyptian Yoga (Abbey Wood & Belvedere) Email

Ancient Egyptian Yoga 84 Yoga Asanas

Ancient Egyptian Yoga - 84 Yoga Asanas

Bishnu Ghosh

Ancient Egyptian 'Triple Ankh' Yoga

Ancient Egyptian Abhijit 'Triple Ankh' Yoga

The Ultimate Goal of the Yogi

The Maha Kundalini playlist (Kundalini Class).
This class is for all abilities and focuses mainly on back bends and pranayama.

The Fuzzz playlist (Fuzzz Class).
This class is for all abilities and includes a wide range of postures.

The Ha Sa playlist (Inversion Class).
This class is for all abilities and works towards inverted postures.

The Pulsing Polarities playlist (At Tasawwuf Class).
This class is for all abilities focusing on aligning the Chakras, strengthening Heart Center and activating Soma.

The Prithivi Vardhak Mudra playlist (Bikram Class).
This class is for all abilities using the 26 Bikram Yoga postures.

The Ancient Egyptian Yoga With Dhyan Singh Fohat playlist (Ancient Egyptian Class).
This class is for all abilities and contains advanced poses for those wishing to try.

Praana Pratishtha
A simple playlist for meditation/dancing purposes.
Other playlists available here: YoginiYogin (MixCloud)

The Heart Must Be Broken Open
A simple playlist for meditation/dancing purposes.
Other playlists available here: YoginiYogin (MixCloud)

Chitta Vritti Nirodha
A simple playlist for meditation/dancing purposes.
Other playlists available here: YoginiYogin (MixCloud)

I Will Make You Something Beautiful
A simple playlist for meditation/dancing purposes.
Other playlists available here: YoginiYogin (MixCloud)

Parsva Halasana
A simple playlist for meditation/dancing purposes.
Other playlists available here: YoginiYogin (MixCloud)

Ancient Egyptian Yoga (Abbey Wood & Belvedere) Eighty Four Asanas
Ancient Egyptian Yoga (Abbey Wood & Belvedere) Sahaja Yoga Mantras - Vishwa Nirmala Dharma

Sahaja Yoga Mantras - Vishwa Nirmala Dharma

Nirmala Vidya - Sahaja Yoga Mantra Book (.pdf)

Ancient Egyptian Yoga (Abbey Wood & Belvedere) Aum Hrum Suryaya Namah - Om Hrum Suryaya Namaha - Om Suryaye Namah - Ong Suryaye Namaha Ancient Egyptian Yoga (Abbey Wood & Belvedere) The effect of Suryanamaskar and mantra chanting

A couple of variations detailing the Surya Namaskara sequence.

Surya Namaskara A Technique Of Solar Vitalization (.pdf)

Ancient Egyptian Yoga (Abbey Wood & Belvedere) Thirteen Surya Mantras

Ancient Egyptian Yoga - Thirteen Surya Mantras


An example of Surya Namaskara.

Facial Diagnosis Of Cell Salt Deficiencies

Ancient Egyptian Yoga (Abbey Wood & Belvedere) Schuessler Tissue Salts Facial Diagnosis Of Cell Salt Deficiencies

Homeo Force Tissue Salts
Combi 27 and Combi 12

Ancient Egyptian Yoga (Abbey Wood & Belvedere) Homeo Force Tissue Salts Combi 27 and Combi 12

Twelve Tissue Cell Salts Equals Harmony

The Fallacy Of The Germ Theory Of Disease

Learn More About The 27 Tissue/Cell Salts

Facial Diagnosis Of Cell Salt Deficiencies (.pdf)
Cell Salt Essentials Chart (.pdf)
The 12 Tissue Salts or Cell Salt Remedies (.pdf)
The Biochemic System Of Medicine (.pdf)
Salt PDFs

Ancient Egyptian Yoga (Abbey Wood & Belvedere) Clothing Designs

Ancient Egyptian Yoga T-Shirt Designs

Ancient Egyptian Yoga (Abbey Wood & Belvedere) Maps And Music Theory

Ancient Egyptian Yoga (Abbey Wood & Belvedere) Mantra

Ancient Egyptian Yoga (Abbey Wood & Belvedere) Siva Sakti

Ancient Egyptian Yoga (Abbey Wood & Belvedere) Email

Ancient Egyptian Yoga (Abbey Wood & Belvedere) Hemisphaerii Dhyana Mudra Meditation

Hemisphaerii Dhyana Mudra Meditation.

Tri Thalamic Audio Sequence For Relaxing, Balancing And Tuning In
Duration 01:20:00.